
by Niagawan



Account Systems for New and Small Businesses

Niagawan ni adalah 100% online (web dan mobile web). Boleh akses dgn smartfon, tablet atau laptop di mana-mana asalkan ada Internet. Data semua simpan di server supaya selamat dan sulit.Kelebihan Sistem Akaun Niagawan==========Sistem Accounting - Buku Tunai, Lejar, Cash Flow, Untung Rugi - Invois, Resit, Pelangan/Debtor - Produk / SKU, Inventori - Invois Belian, Kreditor - Balance Sheet, Journal Entry- Multi-user, harga stokis, laporan untuk filling cukai dan zakatCara Guna dan Latihan Online=========Selepas kami aktifkan akaun Niagawan untuk anda, anda akan terima username dan password utk login secara online di website kami Di home screen juga anda boleh access Latihan Online Niagawan yg percuma. Dalam situ, ada video-video tutorial utk demo dan tuan belajar dlm beberapa minit sahaja cara penggunaaan Niagawan. Amat amat senang..>> Anda boleh klik pada link Latihan Online Niagawan Percuma.. situ ada video kami ajar step-by-step, sgt senang. dlm bbrp minit sahaja boleh faham.Its 100% online (web and mobile web). Can access with smartphones, tablets or laptops everywhere as long as there is Internet. All data stored on the server is safe and difficult.The Benefits of the Newbie System System==========Accounting System - Cashbook, Ledger, Cash Flow, Profit and Loss - Invoice, Receipt, Invoice / Debtor - Product / SKU, Inventory - Purchase Invoice, Creditors - Balance Sheet, Journal Entry- Multi-user, stockist price, report for tax filling and zakatHow to Use and Exercise Online=========After we activate the Niagawan account for you, you will receive the username and password to login online on our website the home screen you can also access free Online Training Online. Inside, there are video tutorials for demo and master learning in minutes only by Niagawans use. Very happy ..>> You can click on the Free Online Marketing Links link .. there is a video that we teach step-by-step, happy. in minutes only can understand.Faster login directly to Niagawan App.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

So far so good

Nurul Farzana

Tak boleh bukak. Keluar screen putih je.

Hamada Mizuki

Easy to use

Mohamad Fadzlan Zahrudin

*To new users, this is a paid app* I think Niagawan should give each account owner 1 dummy account just to let us test how our entries, invoices, receipt will look like. It also helps bookkeepers to adjust themselves as Niagawan has lesser options to select or view than SQL, MYOB, UBS etc. And putting chart of account might be useful as well as we can see better on how the ledgers are mapped. Overall, everything is already good for partially to untrained users. TQ!

Ivy George

When can i get for IOS ? Android is good. Please do something for iOS

Amirul Ashraf

The apps is very practical and easy to use. However, it would be much better if you could provide auto rotate display option for tab in the next update. I have tried it and so far it would not rotate if using tab with keyboard. Even using tab auto rotate function still wont rotate the apps display. Please add this feature. Thank you.

Erie Dickel

Amat senang dan asalkan ada internet, ada smartphone, laptop, boleh key in, buat invoice, Qt dll. Response yg cepat dari team jika ada x paham or bebal.. cuma harga kurang mampu milik skrg.. tapi mmg best..

Osmawi Osman

Very usefull app

Irfan Muqrii

Benda mmg ok.mudah guna.simple tp berkesan.yang x bestnye bila nk back dpt blank skrin.kene close app masuk balik.benda nak cpat proses bil customer.jadi lambat plak.duit dh klua ni bayar apps.jgn memacam.mahal tu.jgn sampai mak aku tau hal ni.mak aku garang.mak aku siang ikan selamba je guna pisau.tolong eh improve sket.cepat

Nazrin Shah

Banyak problem skrg. Mula2 guna ok, tiada masalah utk add product, create invoice, skrg mcm2 jadi. Frust betul.